Thursday, 7 November 2013

It's early in the morning and for me, the best time for any creative type of writing. Once the day gets going and I have to think about appointments, meals and getting dressed--most days anyway--everything turns linear in my head and characters fall back into silence.Maybe I've been dreaming about a story or it's that half my brain doesn't rev up beyond idle until a cup of coffee is in the works. It's so peaceful at this time of day and there are no distractions to pull me out of a story.

Sleep deprivation: my cure for writer's block. Any other writerly early birds out digging for story worms in the early morning hours?


Anonymous said...

I sometimes feel like I'm not a writer as I don't burn the midnight candle too often - but in the early mornings I am awake and raring to go. I think it started when my kids were little - and I always tried to get up before them even as babies - to have some time for myself.

Unknown said...

I'm like you. I get up at 5am just to have an hour or so to write before I have to wake my family. Some days it's the only time I get to create the characters that dance in my head. and I find comfort in the fact that even though my days may be busy at least I've followed my dream for an hour.